Update from Madelyn and Stephen

Stephen and I would like to thank you so much for your donation to support the National Association of Mental Illness, City Mission, and the turtles…

I met with the director/curator at the Pittsburgh Zoo and Aquarium today.  He was so impressed with Jon’s corals from the calendar photos.  His staff will work on identify the names to include on the calendar.  

While I was there in the back room with all the tanks and filtrations systems I know Jon was with me…and I know his spirit is there helping them with their corals…cause it would have been a perfect place for him to work with corals.  Skyler, one of their coral curators showed me a tiny coral polyp that she got off the coast of Florida…cause she is trying to save the reefs there by propagating them at the zoo then bringing them back to Florida to keep the reefs alive.  This is what Jon wanted to do ! ! !  and I know he is there with her to help in spirit ! !  

Will send you the calendar when it’s complete…and thank you ! 

LOVE Madelyn and Stephen

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